Saturday 27 June 2015

What to Do For Baby Acne

Baby acne that suddenly appeared in the rash on your baby's face is cute specify its will make the parents might have panicked. Baby acne is not dangerous but it is annoying, it usually does not bother the baby too much.

Most baby acne is caused by hormones from the mother, and usually appear anytime from birth to when the baby is a few weeks old. Like this are common conditions experienced by babies, and acne will disappear by itself, usually disappears when the baby is 6 months old. But there is nothing wrong if you want to speed up the healing process of acne baby. Here I will explain a few things you should know about What to Do For Baby Acne :
  • Try to look the baby's body in areas such as the cheeks, forehead, and the baby's back.
  • Understand that the cause of baby acne has nothing to do with anything you do, but there are things that make baby acne worse.
  • Realize that baby acne will get worse by the saliva that can irritate babies sensitive skin face. Therefore, your actions are keeping the area around babies's mouth as dry as possible.
  • Keep your baby's condition from the heat, because it will add another cause baby acne.
  • Wash your baby's face once a day with cool water and mild soap.
  • Avoid rubbing your baby's face, it will cause irritation to sensitive skin and the wind would worsen acne condition your baby.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Baby Heat Rash Pictures

Baby Heat Rash Pictures - Heat rash is a skin condition which often affects children, especially babies and adults as well, these things happen in because of hot humid weather conditions. Heat rash will develop when clogged pores and sweat are not biased escape.Friction on the skin that occur on the surface is often used as the main cause heat rash. Adults usually a heat rash on the body that often rub together, like the inner thighs or under the arm. If a baby is usually a rash on the neck begian them, but it can also develop in skin folds such as elbows, armpits, and thighs

What Causes Heat Rash?

Babies heat rash occurs when the pores are clogged and can not expel sweat. It is more likely to occur in warm or tropical climates. There are also other conditions when wearing clothes that do not absorb perspiration or use lotion dank rim which can cause rashes on.
Even heat rash can also occur at cold temperatures that when you wear thick clothes or sleeping under blankets that causes overheating. Due to the sensitive baby skin, this allows heat rash occurs because the pores baby undeveloped.

What Does Heat Rash Look Like?

Baby Heat Rash Pictures below will show what kind of heat rash Babies. as shown below :

baby heat rash pictures

baby heat rash pictures

baby heat rash pictures

baby heat rash pictures

baby heat rash pictures

When Do I Call My Doctor?

Heat rash is generally not dangerous. Will generally disappear a few days. However, if the conditions as I mentioned below occurs in your baby:
  • fever
  • chills
  • increased pain
  • pus flow from the mound
Immediately contact your pediatrician. The pediatrician will recommend you to use lition as calamine or lanolin to relieve itching and prevent further skin damage. Keep the skin cool and dry will also help relieve heat rash.

Preventing Problems

Prevention is the key to best avoid heat rash. Here I explain tips to avoid rash:
  • Do not wear tight clothing that does not allow the skin to breathe.
  • Do not use heavy cream or lotion that clog the pores of your baby
  • When the weather is hot and humid try using AC.
  • Use mild soap and soap that does not contain a lot of dyes and fragrances.
Fortunately, heat rash is actually the thing you need not worry because it will disappear by itself. If you notice unusual symptoms related to heat rash consult with a pediatrician.

Tips to Prevent Baby Heat Rash on Face

Baby heat rash on face is red or pink rash that usually we find in the area of the baby's body is covered by clothing. It can only develop when the sweat duct is clogged and swell and often leads to discomfort the baby and cause itching. Baby heat rash on face is the most common in infants, but also bias arising acne in adults in hot and humid climates. Heat rash can also appear enlarged on the reddened area of skin caused by acne baby. Infants and children are very likely to be affected than adults because their sweat glands, in the case of rash is commonly found in the diaper area and skin folds or on the neck. Heat rash can also occur in areas with cold climates where when sweating is a problem.

baby heat rash on face

baby heat rash on face

Heat rash can usually be seen directly in some areas of the body and the baby does not usually require medical attention. But if the baby acne does not disappear within 3 or 4 days, or if it seems pretty getting worse, or if your baby's fever due to acne should contact your pediatrician. Baby acne on parts of the clothing of the body, such as the abdomen, back, neck, chest, back or groin or armpit and can disappear by itself within a few days. To watch is if the acne is growing increasingly severe, heat rash can interfere with the mechanism of body heat and cause heat exhaustion. To ease itching is a drug that can be used as an anti-histamine cream. Antibiotics and topical antiseptic used to prevent the growth of bacteria. Besides its function is to keep skin cool and dry. Stay cool bed region.

The best treatment for treating rashes are air conditioning, less humid environment. Dust powder can be used to improve the comfort of the baby. Avoid using ointments or creams because it will make the condition worse. Apply hydrocortisone cream use because it can be used for children and adults, 1% to send hodrokortison can eliminate itching. A thin layer is applied to the rash two or tigamkali benjolaan day can help heal faster. Summer is a time for fun and play but also can be a time of discomfort when you can not beat the heat so take every precaution you can to have a healthy, happy summer. By playing cold, you can beat the summer heat rash and discomfort.

baby heat rash on face

baby heat rash on face

The strength of vitamin C in pain diakibat prickly heat on show in a study conducted in Singapore by the dermatologist TC Hiondson, of the British military hospital there. An officer of the Australian air force, which is troubled by a rash in his groin which refuses all medication for a year, told the doctor that it suddenly cleared during the week when catching a cold and start using 1g of vitamin C every day.