Saturday 27 June 2015

What to Do For Baby Acne

Baby acne that suddenly appeared in the rash on your baby's face is cute specify its will make the parents might have panicked. Baby acne is not dangerous but it is annoying, it usually does not bother the baby too much.

Most baby acne is caused by hormones from the mother, and usually appear anytime from birth to when the baby is a few weeks old. Like this are common conditions experienced by babies, and acne will disappear by itself, usually disappears when the baby is 6 months old. But there is nothing wrong if you want to speed up the healing process of acne baby. Here I will explain a few things you should know about What to Do For Baby Acne :
  • Try to look the baby's body in areas such as the cheeks, forehead, and the baby's back.
  • Understand that the cause of baby acne has nothing to do with anything you do, but there are things that make baby acne worse.
  • Realize that baby acne will get worse by the saliva that can irritate babies sensitive skin face. Therefore, your actions are keeping the area around babies's mouth as dry as possible.
  • Keep your baby's condition from the heat, because it will add another cause baby acne.
  • Wash your baby's face once a day with cool water and mild soap.
  • Avoid rubbing your baby's face, it will cause irritation to sensitive skin and the wind would worsen acne condition your baby.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Baby Heat Rash Pictures

Baby Heat Rash Pictures - Heat rash is a skin condition which often affects children, especially babies and adults as well, these things happen in because of hot humid weather conditions. Heat rash will develop when clogged pores and sweat are not biased escape.Friction on the skin that occur on the surface is often used as the main cause heat rash. Adults usually a heat rash on the body that often rub together, like the inner thighs or under the arm. If a baby is usually a rash on the neck begian them, but it can also develop in skin folds such as elbows, armpits, and thighs

What Causes Heat Rash?

Babies heat rash occurs when the pores are clogged and can not expel sweat. It is more likely to occur in warm or tropical climates. There are also other conditions when wearing clothes that do not absorb perspiration or use lotion dank rim which can cause rashes on.
Even heat rash can also occur at cold temperatures that when you wear thick clothes or sleeping under blankets that causes overheating. Due to the sensitive baby skin, this allows heat rash occurs because the pores baby undeveloped.

What Does Heat Rash Look Like?

Baby Heat Rash Pictures below will show what kind of heat rash Babies. as shown below :

baby heat rash pictures

baby heat rash pictures

baby heat rash pictures

baby heat rash pictures

baby heat rash pictures

When Do I Call My Doctor?

Heat rash is generally not dangerous. Will generally disappear a few days. However, if the conditions as I mentioned below occurs in your baby:
  • fever
  • chills
  • increased pain
  • pus flow from the mound
Immediately contact your pediatrician. The pediatrician will recommend you to use lition as calamine or lanolin to relieve itching and prevent further skin damage. Keep the skin cool and dry will also help relieve heat rash.

Preventing Problems

Prevention is the key to best avoid heat rash. Here I explain tips to avoid rash:
  • Do not wear tight clothing that does not allow the skin to breathe.
  • Do not use heavy cream or lotion that clog the pores of your baby
  • When the weather is hot and humid try using AC.
  • Use mild soap and soap that does not contain a lot of dyes and fragrances.
Fortunately, heat rash is actually the thing you need not worry because it will disappear by itself. If you notice unusual symptoms related to heat rash consult with a pediatrician.

Tips to Prevent Baby Heat Rash on Face

Baby heat rash on face is red or pink rash that usually we find in the area of the baby's body is covered by clothing. It can only develop when the sweat duct is clogged and swell and often leads to discomfort the baby and cause itching. Baby heat rash on face is the most common in infants, but also bias arising acne in adults in hot and humid climates. Heat rash can also appear enlarged on the reddened area of skin caused by acne baby. Infants and children are very likely to be affected than adults because their sweat glands, in the case of rash is commonly found in the diaper area and skin folds or on the neck. Heat rash can also occur in areas with cold climates where when sweating is a problem.

baby heat rash on face

baby heat rash on face

Heat rash can usually be seen directly in some areas of the body and the baby does not usually require medical attention. But if the baby acne does not disappear within 3 or 4 days, or if it seems pretty getting worse, or if your baby's fever due to acne should contact your pediatrician. Baby acne on parts of the clothing of the body, such as the abdomen, back, neck, chest, back or groin or armpit and can disappear by itself within a few days. To watch is if the acne is growing increasingly severe, heat rash can interfere with the mechanism of body heat and cause heat exhaustion. To ease itching is a drug that can be used as an anti-histamine cream. Antibiotics and topical antiseptic used to prevent the growth of bacteria. Besides its function is to keep skin cool and dry. Stay cool bed region.

The best treatment for treating rashes are air conditioning, less humid environment. Dust powder can be used to improve the comfort of the baby. Avoid using ointments or creams because it will make the condition worse. Apply hydrocortisone cream use because it can be used for children and adults, 1% to send hodrokortison can eliminate itching. A thin layer is applied to the rash two or tigamkali benjolaan day can help heal faster. Summer is a time for fun and play but also can be a time of discomfort when you can not beat the heat so take every precaution you can to have a healthy, happy summer. By playing cold, you can beat the summer heat rash and discomfort.

baby heat rash on face

baby heat rash on face

The strength of vitamin C in pain diakibat prickly heat on show in a study conducted in Singapore by the dermatologist TC Hiondson, of the British military hospital there. An officer of the Australian air force, which is troubled by a rash in his groin which refuses all medication for a year, told the doctor that it suddenly cleared during the week when catching a cold and start using 1g of vitamin C every day.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Tips To Baby Acne Cure

How happy welcomed the birth of your baby, whether the baby's birth first, second, third, I do not know. But I know how concerned you are, when looking at small red spots on your baby's cheeks. Many say to you, be it friends, relatives to convince you that baby acne will disappear by itself. In fact, you also know that baby acne will be gone, but you still feel worried. I think you just feel the need to seek tips for baby acne cure, be it advice from doket or from people who have experience treating acne baby and find the best baby acne cure.

Baby acne is not uncommon to appear when the newborn. Another name for baby acne is infantile acne. Cheek is the most frequent baby acne, in addition to the cheeks, chin and forehead as well. But it could just grow anywhere in the body. Can lasts for 2 weeks to 2 months of age. But this could also last until the baby reaches 6 months of age as well.

Baby Acne Cure

I explain once again, you do not need to worry. Then, what is the best baby acne cure? the answer is time and patient. Maternal hormones do the trick. If the baby is exposed to the hormone, while the mother left them when the baby is still in the womb. Good and bad of hormones passed to the baby. As the baby grows, the effects of the hormone also fade and you will be pleased to see a clean cheek and redness on your baby.

As for tips, for baby acne medications are:

First. Do not do anything that worsen acne baby. Because the baby's skin is very soft. Use mild soap and wash your baby's skin with loving care. I hope you do not put oil or lotion on it. Wash baby clothes with soap lightest and best. When washing baby clothes redeeming a mild detergent. But if the baby acne is not lost for 6 months you need to contact the pediatrician for your baby.

In fact, skin care during and after pregnancy and your diet is as important as baby care. Newborn baby's skin also requires special attention. Since most of the baby is still dependent on the mother's milk, for the growth and maintenance of them, your lifestyle has a direct effect on it.

Baby Acne Cure

Skin is the basis of growing acne well. In because the baby's skin is very sensitive and in the first few weeks after giving birth, many changing conditions occur. A lot of selling in the market the best baby acne medication. And the thing to remember is not to daub the baby with powders, oils, lotions and creams. Allow the skin to breathe freely to enable meet the conditions of acne naturally.

Baby Eczema Pictures : What Looks Like Baby Eczema?

Babies also commonly called eczema or atopic dermatitis appears in 10% - 15% of children. It comes with red skin spots. Skin looks dry and rough and itchy. Although it might appear in almost all body baby eczema typically occurs most often in infants and in the cheek, arm and leg babies joints. Babies eczema can easily be confused with cradle cap, red, scaly rash babies. Cradle cap will usually disappear within 8 months, and usually appear on the baby's scalp, sides of the nose, eyelids and eyebrows, and behind the ears.

What Triggers Eczema In Babies?

There are some common triggers to avoid, including :
  • Dry skin. This often occurs due to low humidity, especially occurs during the cold season and the dry valve. Dry skin can cause itchy skin eczema in infants. 
  • Irritation. Think of babies dressed wool clothes, perfumes, body soap and laundry soap. This all of course will trigger flares of eczema in infants. 
  • Stress. Babies eczema is very sensitive if the skin is rinsed. Use mild soap to wash your baby's skin eczema. Otherwise eczema will increase his condition. 
  • Heat and Sweat. Not undisputed, it certainly makes babies eczema gets worse. 
The following will you see some Baby Eczema Pictures :

Baby Eczema Pictures

Baby Eczema Pictures

Baby Eczema Pictures

Baby Eczema Pictures

Baby Eczema Pictures

Baby Eczema Pictures

Baby Eczema Pictures

Friday 19 June 2015

Baby Acne Pictures

Baby Acne Pictures, in this post I would like to summarize some photos of baby acne. Which may be useful to you, to find out if there is a baby acne on your child's body. As shown below :

Thursday 18 June 2015

Is It Baby Acne, Cradle Crap or Heat Rash ?

There are several conditions baby skin irritation and there are two types of acne. Each has the handling and treatment of different recommendations. So it's good to know the symptoms of each.
baby acne or rash
Cradle Crap

As neonatal acne, cradle crap and seborrheic dermatitis are related to hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, which causes the sebaceous glands to go into overdrive. Milk is Crap:
  •  Crusty, scaly, red patches on baby's scalp
  •  Caused by overactive sebaceous glands (these produce the skin's oil)
  •  There can also redness in the crease of the baby's neck, armpits, and behind his ears
  •  When it is only on the scalp, it is cradle crap. When it spreads all over the face, and in the diaper area, it is called seborrheic dermatitis. You should contact your doctor to get a stronger shampoo or alternative treatment if this occurs.
Heat Rash

Heat rash can occur in the world, but babies are more vulnerable because their sweat glands are not fully developed. Therefore, they are less able to re-balance your body's core temperature. Heat rash is characterized by very small bumps on the skin, surrounded by a red zone. Heat rash 
  • It usually starts in areas of the body covered by clothing
  • This includes the trunk, groin and armpits
  • Can cause fever and heat exhaustion in severe cases
  • Hot and wetlands tend to be associated with more
  • You may feel prickly or tingling
Baby Acne

Like adult acne, baby acne is more common in boys than in girls. Unlike the later forms of acne, it is usually mild or moderate, and rarely severe.

It usually occurs on children's faces - usually the cheeks, but may extend to the chin and forehead. When this type of acne is mild to moderate, it is unlikely to lead to permanent scarring. However, if the acne is severe, scarring can occur that last into adulthood. These babies who develop severe acne vulgaris usually suffer from acne when they reach adult. Acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne people suffer.Neonatal acne can include features like regular acne pimples and blackheads and papules and pustules. The bumps have pus in them and look like small areas, the solid skin lifted. Pustules have pus in them, as the name suggests. The pustules are usually formed in the sweat glands and hair follicles. 

It is comprised of inflammatory cells and pus.When no comedones (whiteheads and blackheads), babies may have what is called neonatal cephalic pustulosis. This is the result of infection by a species of yeast known as Malassezia. There are a number of different species of this genus, but not yet established whether the different species cause diseases of the skin in particular. Malassezia yeasts can cause seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, and neonatal cephalic pustulosis and a number of other conditions.

The truth now Neonatal cephalic pustulosis doesn't usually need treatment, though a topical antifungal cream can be applied.

Baby Acne Remedies - Easy Way To Treat Your Baby's Acne

Baby acne is one of the skin disorders, which affect the baby. There are more than 20 percent of newborn babies are get acne. Actually, baby acne treatment for a simple way. This acne can be effectively removed and easily. As I've explained in my previous article, that the baby acne appears because it is caused by maternal hormones that stimulate the sebaceous oil glands of your baby passes through the placenta. 

This hormone causes acne bumps and red spots all over the baby's skin to irritate the baby's sebaceous glands. Baby acne can also arise due to the influence of the baby or the mother's drug taking. Acne may occur in the baby's face, back, neck and chin. Looks like whiteheads or acne that is surrounded by a reddish color.
Baby Acne Remedies

 Baby acne can appear at any time when the time of birth or during the one-month-old baby. And usually this baby acne will disappear by itself in the age of the baby five months. Perhaps that annoying itch for your baby.

Baby Acne Remedies

As already explained repeatedly that the handling of baby acne is quite simple. You only need to wash the baby's face with water and mild soap once a day soft. You are advised not need to rub the acne or even your baby's skin and pat it dry. You do not need to do it excessively as it will only worsen the condition of baby acne and certainly will cause irritation to the baby.

Benzoyl Peroxide so my recommendation to use, another solution could be using acne medication or baby khusu accordance with medications recommended by your pediatrician. You should also use a solution of ionic silver or hydrocortisone solution because it can kill the bacteria that cause irritation of acne bati, so it will remove and eliminate acne baby. Besides it can reduce itching and promote the growth of healthy new skin.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

How To Treat Baby Acne

Do you know any such thing baby acne? in fact it is more common than you think. Lots of newborns show signs of growth of acne within 2 weeks after birth. This does not mean just your baby will be deformed permanently, just needs to be treated and recognized.

Baby acne is one form that is difficult to understand and unsolved mysteries. Some believe that the hormones are lowered into the the baby causes baby acne. Others believe that drug consumption during breastfeeding mothers may be reasons. Unfortunately, there is no right or wrong answer as to what gives your baby acne, but there are ways to help and treat it prevents the

Perhaps there has been no satisfactory answer, why baby acne can develop, but there are some efforts to help ease this problem. Make sure you use a mild detergent that has been washed clean. This is to prevent irritation. As we know that the baby's skin is very sensitive to strong detergents and indeed can cause baby acne worse or even cause a rash. Be sure to clean the mother's milk or food from the baby's face softly. Just like adults, not better when brushing baby acne. A baby's skin is easily injured just because of the little things and not the exception acne, so do not try to scrub your baby's face. The best methods for prevention are doing baby acne treatment.

How To Treat Baby Acne

Sometimes the best answer for how to treat acne is quite simple simple, that is patient enough. Many newborns will close for two weeks or pimples could have been longer. Is very important that you keep your baby's face stay clean and do not use moisturizers or other acne medications that you usually use for yourself. This type of treatment is too strong and can cause irritation to your baby.

Many parents, especially the mothers who worry about the when you first see acne like rash. You even rushed to bring your baby to the pediatrician to ask for treatment of acne or rashes on your baby. In fact, there is no definitive cure for acne blemishes safe to be used on smooth skin of your baby.

If you keep the baby hygiene and washing clothes and blankets with both the problem has not finished until there, there might be something else. There are several types of rashes were more dominant in the baby's skin than adults, which means that if it does not look like tiny pimples, then it is best immediately checked by a pediatrician.

You can only worry about how to treat baby acne, but the medicine just be patient and pay attention to the cleanliness of the baby. Baby acne may be annoying but will be lost in a few weeks.

What Causes Baby Acne and Its Cure

Naturally wherever the mother must be worried about their babies and mothers especially for new inexperienced and first of all, overcome the babies disease. Baby acne is a common condition that affects newborns and cause concern to mothers who have not experienced. This is something that is important for parents to pay attention and understand what causes acne appears in newborns and how to cure the condition.
what causes baby acne

 Understanding the cause of acne in newborn babies

In general, the growth of acne in teenagers is caused because the release of sex hormones, during their pubritas. However, newborns may develop a white head as a result of maternal androgens are then forwarded from mother to child during birth. Newborn babies can also be exposed to androgens from the mother through breastfeeding. Exposure to maternal androgens also cause the baby to develop a hormone that is similar to the development of teenage hormone during puberty.
Just like acne that affects teenage, these conditions arise when oil blocks in excessive oil glands found in the skin. When the natural oils produced by the body is blocked and clogged to exit through the pores, the oil glands to swell and infection occurs.

How the baby acne can arise when a newborn

Baby acne usually appears as whiteheads are commonly found on the cheeks, forehead, chin, neck, and in some cases at the back of the baby. Usually, baby acne appears after birth or when the baby was 3 weeks. This condition is exacerbated when the baby feels hot, and consequently normally, the baby will be fussy or uncomfortable feeling angry. Another cause of irritation on baby's skin is attributed to saliva, soap, clothes are washed using harsh detergents and spilled milk on the affected area.

What you should know about acne in newborn babies

Most parents are curious and want to know if the baby acne is painful? And the answer baby acne does not cause pain in babies. put the baby in loose clothing to keep baby's skin cool and prevent annoying condition for the the baby because baby clothes rubbing against.

Curing baby acne 

Usually plague whiteheads, will disappear by itself, it will usually disappear within a few weeks, when it affects your baby. Consultation with a pediatrician is highly recommended if your baby is suffering from a severe case of acne the baby. Severe acne outbreaks the baby, if acne is already swollen, inflamed pimples and in extreme cases is a liquid out of baby acne. There are also in some cases white head your baby to survive in the body for a long time until he was a toddler. In this case, you should check your baby to a health care specialist. 

Babies Acne Treatment - Simple Ways to Cure Acne

Baby acne treatment is actually a method that is closely related to neonatorum acne or acne experienced by newborns. Normally, approximately 20 percent of newborns with this condition. One of the reasons why newborns experienced growth of acne on the body, is caused by the stimulation of mother glands hormone , who passed down to the baby during pregnancy or after childbirth. The mother's hormones will stimulate the oil glands in the baby's body will help the onset of acne bumps on the baby's cheeks, forehead and chin.

Babies Acne Treatment

Generally, the form of either a newborn baby acne, or when the baby is 3 weeks old and the reality is more common in boys than in baby girls. By type of baby acne is two papules and pustules that usually often experienced by babies. Pustules Looks like whiteheads with pus in the bumps, while papules acne similar to reddish. Within a few months naturally, acne growing on the baby's skin will disappear, so do not need a lot of treatment to cure baby acne. However, keep baby's skin is also very helpful, by the way baby acne washed with water and use a soft baby soap. Should not use moisturizing lotion, because it will worsen the the baby's skin rather than help the healing. Moreover, do not use a rough cloth and do not often exposed to the sun is not a good thing because it will irritate the baby's skin is very sensitive

Most important is taking care and keeping the baby in a cheerful mood will be much helpful because that happens usually the baby fussy and upset the more acne worsened. Keep in mind is that if every time the baby severe acne growing on the baby's skin, some pediatricians highly recommend using peroxide benzoyl  as baby acne treatment.
Babies Acne Treatment
Indeed, the best way when dealing with baby acne is to wait patiently until the lumps cleaning. If you worry too much, then it will not help cure acne baby. But by getting information about the condition and temporality that would be helpful, so do not be misled by false information. Learning from the fact that acne will disappear when the baby was 6 months even without treatment will be very entertaining parents. So that they can simply continue to watch and keep the baby clean as possible. Patiently waiting for the baby to escape from baby acne is the best thing you baby acne treatment.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

How To Get Rid Of Baby Acne

How To Get Rid Of Baby Acne ?. Baby acne usually looks like red pimples usual known as rash. Generally, there will be rash in babies during the first few weeks after birth until the age of six months. This happens because the growth of acne triggered by hormones from the mother before the baby is born. This acne will disappear by itself but if you want to get remove acne baby by giving right treatment, then you should listen to some of the following of healing steps.

How To Get Rid Of Baby Acne

Step 1. Take Medication

Benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin tropics could be used as a first aid of healing baby acne as well. But, Do not overuse this use tropical Benzoyl peroxide or tretinoin. Instead of aiming to heal baby acne, excessive use of drugs that could even lead to other complications.

Step 2. Soft Cleaning

Keep the baby kept clean in order to prevent the worsening of acne baby. When bathing a baby, softly wipe your baby. Use a mild soap and suitable for baby's skin. Do not add moisturizing lotion on the rash, because it action will aggravate acne baby. Baby acne wash with rough, not a good action, so bathe your baby was with a touch of your hands are full of love.

Step 3. Seek help from the pediatricians

The pediatrician is the professional who dedicates his life to learn about the disease in babies, and strives to provide the best care for children. Because they are indeed the people who know most about the condition. Of course they will give you tips on baby care and provide drugs that cure baby acne quickly.

How To Get Rid Of Baby Acne

Step 4. Just be Patient

Baby acne will go away, so you do not have to worry about this natural process. Only now, depending on how you care for and maintain the health of your baby. Maybe you have to be patient for a few months until the baby acne subsides, that should you have to do.

Over time, baby acne will immediately disappear from your baby's body, so no need to worry about that too much, because the baby acne is not a dangerous disease. If you think your baby's acne look worse, the best step is to consult a professional doctor to find out what he can be recommended. Please, do not worry you'll find that it's common in other babies out there. Do not feel as if you are the only one having problems, of course not.

Declares the article about How To Get Rid Of Baby Acne. hope it is useful. Thanks

Read :  Baby Heat Rash Remedies That You Should Know


Monday 15 June 2015

Baby Heat Rash Remedies That You Should Know

Baby heat rash, also known as prickly heat, more itching  than skin rash caused by blockage of sweat glands due to excessive sweating. This thing may be repeated from time to time, especially when the air is hot and humid, but it does not have the effect of long-term illness. Children and babies who are frequently affected by prickly heat, but adults can also be affected either because of exercise or exposure to heat.

Scientific term used to refer to a heat rash Baby is 'miliary'. Small red blisters happened to the neck, shoulders, back and other areas where sweat clogged. Clogged pores can also be caused by dead skin cells and bacteria known as Staphylococcus epidermidis. Treatment is necessary because it can cause itching, burning / stinging and other discomfort, disturbing. If not treated, the infection hence grow on skin. There are several ways that can effectively treat and cure all symptoms.

Baby Heat Rash
Baby Heat Rash Symptoms
Small red bumps arise in the entire Baby skin when affected by heat rash. The wounds of the rash usually appears around the neck, the folds of the arms and legs and armpits where sweat is mostly, although it also may be able to spread keseluru body.

Baby Heat Rash Cause

As its name, heat rash usually caused by high humidity. The hot air causes pressure on the sweat glands are underdeveloped because they can not regulate body heat efficiently. Excessive wearing the Baby may suffer from heat rash.

Heat rash Baby Care

Is not required to provide treatment for heat rash. the way is keep the Baby cool and comfortable by removing excessive clothing and minimize body heat.

Baby Heat Rash

Prevention and treatment for Baby Heat Rash

As mentioned earlier, Baby and children are most susceptible to heat rash because their sweat glands are underdeveloped. Parents usually put excessive clothing to keep them warm and protect her Baby from insects such as mosquitoes, thus making Baby affected by excessive sweating and heat rash. In infants, it can also happened due to a very tight clothes and diaper. Follow the tips below to resolve this condition on your baby.
  • Bath twice a day helps keep the Baby stay cool but be careful not to use water that is too hot due to high temperatures can cause a rash.  
  • Use bath products wisely and use a soft, fragrant and hypoallergenic. You can also use a lotion made from wheat bath to help relieve itching. As an alternative, add salt to the water and stir well before bringing Baby to shower. Salt has anti-bacterial effect but be careful not rubbed it to baby skin. 
  • When drying Baby, fairly patted with a towel because scratching can cause friction that will improve skin problems. Note over the folds of the skin.
    Daily moisturizer helps your baby's skin remains moist, because it is easy to drought.  
  • Pick a good moisturizer containing petroleum jelly to better results and to better absorption use immediately after bathing while skin is still damp.
  • Do not use powder or talc powder to ease itching in infants because Baby can inhale.
  • Massage after a bath or before going to sleep good to calm your baby and Improving your blood circulation. Apply baby oil and gently caress can help calm Baby and sleep better.
  • Wear comfortable clothing Baby. But not oversized loose clothing - cotton is best to reduce skin irritation caused by friction. Do not swaddle your newborn baby. 
  • New clothes should be washed before use. Get rid of the clothing label that may irritate the skin. Check the trimmings and the seam that may cause skin irritation. 
  • Scratching the rash can improve existing ones. To prevent the baby from scratching, nail clippers and trim baby's nails regularly and wear gloves. If gloves are too small, use socks that are comfortable and fit in the hand so that Baby can not pull it. 
  • When put Baby on the bed, put the baby was worth to keep it cool and comfortable. Fleece blankets and quilts can be a nice gift but sometimes not suitable for a country with a tropical climate with high humidity levels. 
  • Your baby remain in a cold environment with air circulation and sufficient gusts. If you must take your baby out during the day, wear a hat and apply sunscreen on the face, hands and feet.
  • Provide a cool environment that is not damp by using AC or fan.
  • Keep Baby from diapers and clothes for a while or make it wear loose clothing. Avoid synthetic clothing and only use cotton clothing.
  • Use prickly heat powder and lotion where there are prickly heat.
  • Avoid oil-based ointments, because they make the skin warm and moist which will only worsen the condition. Also, avoid massaging baby oil, if he is suffering from prickly heat.
  • Use a wet flannel to relieve prickly heat affected area and bathing the baby in warm water.
  • You can also apply aloe vera gel on the affected area of prickly heat.
  • Trim baby's nails regularly and wrap his hands with socks so that the baby does not scratch the area.
When to see a doctor ? 
 Heat rash may moderate disease but infection can be increased if excessive scratched. Immediately to the doctor if the skin is damaged due to continuous scratch can lead to bacterial infection. This can grow into a festering lumps, swelling or thickening of the skin. Note also signs of an increase in emotion, crying, listlessness, loss of appetite or fever. 

Baby Eczema - Causes, Symptom, Treatment

Baby Eczema is characterized when the baby's skin color to red and the like crust. It usually occurs in the early months of age your baby. There are some cases of eczema baby looks very scary because the majority of the skin.

Eczema in infants is a common thing and we can do to reduce the effects of therapy. But first we must know whether the baby eczema or other skin diseases.

Eczema in infants ( baby eczema / infant eczema) is also called atopic dermatitis appears in 10% -15% of infants. Characteristics are appearing red patches that will be felt itchy, dry, and rough. Eczema can appear anywhere on the body but mostly found in the cheeks and folds on the hands and feet of the baby. Sometimes confused with the symptoms of eczema Cradle Crap (both red spots on the skin). Only cradle crap will usually disappear when the baby is 8 months old. Cradle Crap also usually only occurs on the scalp, sides of the nose, eyelids and eyebrows, and behind the ears.

Baby Eczema
Cause Baby Eczema

Eczema is caused when the body makes too little ceramides. Ceramides are fat cells that helps provide protection for the skin. If you do not have enough of Ceramides skin will lose water and become very dry.

Heredity is the biggest factor when the baby eczema. If your mother or father had a history of eczema, babies are much more likely to be affected as well.

Another factor is the presence of defects in the skin barrier that allows moisture is lost and germs get into.

Does eczema in infants will heal by itself or continuous?

Fortunately, most children will be lost irritation itchy eczema before school age. Only a small portion of eczema symptoms is carried into adulthood.  

What triggers eczema in infants / children?

Each baby may have different factors. However there are some triggers eczema that is common to avoid:Dry skin. This is often caused by low humidity, usually in air-conditioned room. Dry skin can make more baby eczema itch.Irritation. Notice on the baby's clothes, perfumes, body soap, and everything that will be in contact with baby's skin. This is all a baby can trigger eczema flare. Choose the type of clothing that uses organic material as well as soap-shampoo needs to choose a baby's skin is very sensitive.Stress. When the child / infant stress can raise the itching, skin irritation, and improvement of other symptoms of eczema.Heat and sweat. Good heat and sweat can make itching worse semkain baby eczema.Allergens. There is still debate whether food allergies in children trigger eczema. Some experts believe that eliminating cow's milk, nuts, eggs, or certain fruits of a child's diet can help control the symptoms of eczema. 

How to treat baby eczema?
Various kinds of products are now available to alleviate the symptoms of eczema and many also baby eczema heal quickly at the first opportunity. But if the pain persists contact your pediatrician to make sure the type of illness.
I recommend a cream to treat eczema :

Stelatopia Cream Cleanser
Cetaphil© Gentle Skin Cleanser, 
CeraVe© Hydrating Cleanser 
Are examples of cleansers often recommended by dermatologists to treat baby eczema

Read About baby acne